Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Cold Fall Morning

Fall is here in Northern Virginia, at least this morning. I had planned to stay snuggled under the covers after Rick left to hunt this morning...that's what I usually do. But this morning the bed was to chilly without him there, so I woke early.

I wasn't too bummed about being up at 5:00. I figured I could do some writing while I sipped my coffee. But the fates had other plans. Rick called at 6:15 to say his sister needed a ride to the emergency room. It took a minute to register what he was saying because 1) I was afraid he was hurt or something, and initially relieved that he was okay and 2) he was whispering so I could barely hear him. But I poured the coffee in a travel mug, pulled on some sweats, and took off for my sister-in-law's place. She did, in fact, need a ride to the hospital, and she is completely fine now. So I'm back home now getting ready to peruse some cookbooks.

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