Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Friday Night on the Couch

It's mid-October and do I know where my husband is? Yes indeedy. Right about now he is settling into a tree-stand and hoping to get his fourth deer of the season. If he's successful, I'll probably be in bed when he gets home. If he sees nothing, then we'll be able to catch up tonight. Since he plans on spend the entire day tomorrow in the tree, I'm selfishly hoping he gets nothing tonight.

I am yet another hunting widow. Worse, I'm the widow of a bow hunter living in an urban area that has a serious deer over-population issue. Opening day was a month earlier than last year, and closing day is so far away I'm not sure it's going to actually happen.

My motto, though, is "when life hands you venison, make venison burgers." Hunting makes my hubby very happy. Eating good food makes me very happy. Venison is very good. So, I've decided to spend this hunting season finding the best venison recipes. Yum!

If you're a hunting widow and have a recipe to share, I'd love to see it. When I come across particularly good ones, I'll post them.

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